Monday, June 25, 2007

What ifs and what if nots...

So what will happen to the backpacking to China and Ladakh and Leh and Italy and Andaman and Lakshadweep and some island or the other…?

What about learning Spanish and Italian?

What about learning Salsa?

What about learning to drive a four-wheel (OK, now that might be possible…)?

What about traveling far and wide… writing for Outlook-Traveller / India Today –Travel Plus?

What about making some exotic dishes from the exotic locales visited?

What about watching all those foreign films… trying to make sense of it…appreciating good sense / taste…swearing at the bad ones?

What about just staring into the oblivion without a possible purpose and not being labeled a 'pseudo' like some of those modern artistes?

What about waking up in the middle of the night just to make a cup of ginger tea, pick up a book, watch a movie and just not worry about who will think what?

What about just falling sick on a Friday / Monday and just going for a small trek to some obscure village in Maharshtra?

What about going to work in my pyjamas?

What about being at home in my pyjamas?

What about just chopping off the chopped of tresses?

What about not getting hurt when someone else gets hurt?

What about staying unaffected?

What about not affecting any one else?

What about not being responsible for anything?

What about late night conversations?

What about falling asleep during the late night conversations?

What about deep, profound discussions on threading being good for the skin as compared to waxing ( I still am not sure what's better…waxing for sure is less painful, relatively speaking) ?

What about all the 'What about's'?

P says it's not the end of life; it is just another life.

And I nodded, like I always do… almost always…!

1 comment:

Sathish said...

mmm... may be just part of...
