Monday, January 08, 2007

More Wants to Want More!

In spite of knowing that some things are just not meant to be why is it that we still desperately hope for it to happen? I am not talking about an imbecile making an extravagant want. I am talking about a fairly intelligent, common man, with seemingly sufficient, common sense trying to rationalise his needs and wants. I'm sure a sane murderer can always justify his deed, but he may not be necessarily right. Now if we keep aside the matter of relativity here and assume that the definition is the same for one and all, you might some what understand what I mean.

I remember praying hard a day before my board results were out. I was fervently hoping to secure a first class. This inspite of the fact that I'd hardly studied and had managed to flunk in four of six papers during the prelims. Was I hoping for a miracle? But I am an agnostic. I myself am not sure if God exists. Then how was the miracle to happen? Did I choose to believe that existence of God depends upon my convenience? They say I have an above average IQ. I seem matured for my age. Then, obviously it wasn't selective defunct cerebral behaviour.

So what is it that makes us want the impossible? Na, do not confuse this with one of the profound questions you usually come across. There is nothing deep or ponderous about this. A very simple question, popped up in the teeny-tiny mind of a very simple person and she put it across in a blog, which according to many, especially the technologically inclined, has a better purpose, the better purpose being discussing intelligent topics like the mating habits of the lizard or the science and art of pisciculture (don’t go around ‘éwwwíng’, it just got something to do with fishe and its likes. Geeee…!). “A blog is not meant to be your personal journal, you technology-obsolete freak,” said my friend who also happens to know way lot about these contraptions and their utility, beyond their spellings.

Now the only doubt that arises in my mind, the one constantly harrowed by doubts, is what if people do not want to, more candidly put, do not know how to use these contraptions, atleast not in the way it was supposed t be used? What if instead of writing on a piece of paper, I want to make paper boats? Will I be sued? Will I be ignored by the óh-so-sane’ ones of the world, will I be ignored by the eligible and not-so-eligible bachelors in town (er…now that’s tempting…some might even call it a case of sour grapes. Ahem! ) so where were we? Right…so who decides?

You can begin my asnwering the questions in sequence, thanchu!


nithintou said...

heh that was got more like this in your "blog" ?

Pappaya Pie said...

did i or did i tell one and all, already, that i've grwon to ignore sarcasm....:)

Anonymous said...