Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

She was on her way to a concert that afternoon. Lying was not her passion, but she did a good job of it, especially when the person to be cheated was her mother. Again, she did not get any high lying to her mother, just that nobody else was more important to her, to whom she would have to justify what she did. Attending a concert needs to be justified? Well, when you are living away from your family, all by yourself, and the one weekend you get, you are ideally expected to spend it with the family. The expectation is not ideal by the way, it’s the action, that is.
So, where were we? Right, so there I was waiting for a bus, hoping that I don’t get late for the concert, and he calls up. Let me give you a backgrounder on him and my reactions every time I see his name on my cell phone. For now, let him exist without a name. We’ve known each other since the past year and a half. Initial few mails were mostly a verbal spat with each other, somewhere down the line, we decided to chuck the pretence… actually, I don’t know about him, but I did. Was I pretending? In a way I was. It’s one of the issues I have in life…if I feel like I might get along well with someone of the opposite sex, I try to not get along well. An earnest try, it usually is. This time I just decided to take the risk. What was I risking? Nothing much…just the smug life of a ‘still-too-young-and-hence-not-panicky-singleton’. No second thoughts about cutting my hair short or not wearing the right combination of tee and skirt. Matters as silly as going out on a long, long, long drive with an almost absolute stranger, just because you had blind faith in him, became a matter to be pondered about twice.
And he walked in, somehow I felt different. Not different as in, over the moon, but different as in somewhere everything I said was not dissected and bisected into zillion tiny pieces. I was not analysed. If I was rude, I was rude. Period. There was no confrontation. Another really great bit was, I was not taken too seriously…something that will royally break-up relationships and marriages. I, however, was sick of being taken too seriously. Let’s just saw it was a pleasant bolt from the blue.
That’s him.
That sundeay afternoon, he called up.
Me: Hey…(wide smile)
Him: Hi…( a super straight expression)
Me: …Sooo…
Him: Ummm…where are you?
Me: Bus stand.
Him: Bus stand…? Why?
Me: oh ..just this concert…
Him: (cutting me short): so are you free…can we talk?
Me: umm…ya..temme…
Him: I don’t want any interruptions…don’t say my friend just came and stuff…else I’ll call you later.
Me: NOOOOOOO…temme…what is it, something important?
Him: No no…just something …
Me: Oh k…. (Waiting.)
Him: Umm…just wanted to say that I love you.
Me: huh?
Him: I love you
Me: Er...HUH?
Him: I love you

Well, let’s just say that, it wasn’t one of the most romantic of proposals I had imagined for myself, and boy, did I have an imagination! What happened after that is not exactly the stuff with which chick-lits are made of. Mostly because both of us aren’t really chick lit fans. But whatever happened has surely taken us off guard. I’ll talk for myself and it was a shocker of sorts, especially because I never expected anything so simple and straight (he refuses to accept this and I let him believe that he is the most complex guy…no arguments, no fights) a guy to get enamoured by complexity and confusion redefined. So someone said that opposites attract, but this is almost the good and the ugly coming together and no dhishoom dhishoom expected. We are of course not considering the family (just thought of it, we can be ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly’) and the shower of their love here... shudder!

On second thoughts, i need not have started with the concert. Too late!


Vasu said...

Nice blog and awsum of my fav movies!
In the movie the good and the ugly get the gold...and the bad how is it with your story?

Pappaya Pie said...

With my story, the bit about the good and teh ugly gettign there wasy is well, right to the T, though , the bad survives too. I wish the bad survives too.

Sathish said...

Where/who is bad?

Pappaya Pie said... spoon-feeding!

Sathish said...

then how?

Pappaya Pie said...

u r sending comments jst to prolong the conversation,aren't you?! It's not like you aint getting it...

Sathish said...


Pappaya Pie said...

if u say so...

MadMax said...
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Pappaya Pie said...

go to hell and rot there M.....
actually shld go to hell and rot..wat was ithinmking wen i sent u comment as a blogger. Grrr at myslf.
and er....imagine a bald 2 yr old looking up at u with that puppy -expression....'dont make life hell fro me....please...pretty please..." You get the point...

Sathish said...

Why this fury? against whom?

Pappaya Pie said...

Oh jst a friend...and that was less of fury and more of apprehension....:)

Sathish said...

Ok.. I believe...

Pappaya Pie said...

Oh, u bleive? Geee...your kindness can't be measured...( rolling my eyes)

Sathish said...

Why should we try to measure kindness?

Pappaya Pie said...

You don't at all get sarcasm, do you?

Sathish said...

Well... it never stung...

Pappaya Pie said...

Must say, you are pretty thick skinned. Usually, by this time you were to be runnig askew looking for shelter from the verbal lashings!

Sathish said...

Not thick skinned, just that she intent to scare rather than sting.

Pappaya Pie said...

and u refuse to get scared! My humongous ego is having an upset tummy. can't digest the fact that somebody is not scared of me, Her highness, yours truly!

Sathish said...

It is not refused to get scared.. She is not scary at all.. Didn't u see the wonderfully cute toothless smile.. :)

Sathish said...

mmmm... may be u like this... just like a cute little one, with a mask to prevent others to come near it...

Pappaya Pie said...

don't you have work today? Why r u talkging so much?

Sathish said...

I just thought of asking u that.. :) , of course u know mine...

Pappaya Pie said...

know yours...? wat?

Sathish said...

C'on... u know it... Ok.. if u want to hear from me... here it is... No work.. OK.. :)

Pappaya Pie said...

....the week's just begun myan...wqat u doing with no work...! Urgh...some ppl jst have all the luck!

Sathish said...

Actually it is a curse... also in office for the past 30 hours.. :)

Sathish said...

Ok.. I am a jerk?!... (mmm... am I getting on your nerves?... Well, that was never my intention...) .. Don't drink coffee, and don't sleep in chair either. But will be leaving soon...

Anyway wondering how relevent is this comment for ur post??!!